Geitodoris planata? from Mediterranean
June 14, 2002
From: Jean-Pierre Bielecki

Hi Bill
Could you help me to ID this big Doris about 10cm long. The eggs and the flat body are similar with Platydoris argo but the colour pattern and the tubercles on the mantle are very different.
[found on the Mediterranean coast of France in May 2002. Dive site: Sète, étang de Thau.]
Best regards.
Jean-Pierre Bielecki

Dear Jean-Pierre,
At the risk of being quite wrong I would suspect your animal is Geitodoris planata which is characterised externally by the white stellate [star-like] marks on each side of the mantle. They seem to be prominent in your animal than in otjer photos I have seen but I think they are fairly unique to this species. I am sure someone will let us know if I am wrong.
NOTE: Is the locality I added correct? It was absent from your message so I took this from your other messages.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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